L13: Weekly Reflection


I cannot believe we are approaching our last week of class, where have the weeks gone. This week has been all about Link Building and utilizing Google Analytics. I have to admit, it has been one of my more challenging weeks, as link building can be a little complicated to learn and comprehend. I’m still trying to do the research to have a little better understanding. I found the following site that I think is great about breaking down link building, and really helps explain how link building works and benefits our sites. https://www.pageonepower.com/link-building-guide. I got a little breather when we dove into the Google Analytics assignment. What we learned was quite exciting and educational, and very valuable to the future of our websites. There was definitely a high consensus of people on our discussion board who also felt very excited about Google Analytics, and what we had learned. It seems we all came to the same conclusion of how great this tool is, and what great benefits it will bring to us, as we continue to strengthen our website content. As usual, it has been a great week, full of very stimulating information. I’m going to miss this class for sure, but looking forward to my next adventure.

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