Reverse Engineer a Social Media Brand


I decided since I’m so in to crafts, sewing, and design, that the perfect website to visit and analyze would be either JoAnne’s or Michael’s. I ended up deciding to move forward with Michael’s, since I found their website to be very eye catching at first glance. I was very curious to analyze a website that is truly dedicated to inspiring people to design and create, and seeing how well they successfully incorporated the principles of design within their own site.

Michael's 2

Right now, Michael’s is connecting to its viewers through its Valentine’s Day promotion, which is currently boasting very traditional reds and pinks, true for the occasion and its own traditional design. Additionally, Michael’s continues stimulating inspiration for its viewers by showcasing its best products with warm and beautiful colors.

Michael's 1


Rule of Thirds – Green

Typography – Blue

Not Half – Brown

White Space/Proximity – Yellow

Logo Size – Blue-Green

Michael's Draw Over 1

This site definitely does not follow the “Rule of Thirds” principle, everything seems to be very center aligned. They seem to follow a very straight forward approach that works, but what kind of attraction would they bring if they added a touch white space, employed the “Rule of Thirds,” and a more creative “Call to Action?”

Their colors are very simple for the most part, with the foundational background colors being red and white, and their text predominantly being in black. These colors are used fairly strategically, as to not clash with their craft item colors, which are generally very bright or very neutral.

Michael's Draw Over 2

Their typography is simple with a warm inviting vibe. Reminds me of Calibri, one of my favorite fonts. Carry’s a nice, professional look with a fun, curvy characteristic. I do think the logo typography is very cool, but could be showcased better if it was a little larger. Michael’s has a pretty well-known logo, but I truly think the website could benefit from an increase in sized with the logo.

I think they did a great job with proximity and making sure there is plenty of white space. Even though they are showcasing a lot of product, it is easy to move through the products without feeling overwhelmed.

In regards to the Seascape Principles, I definitely think the “Value Principle” is very well represented on this site. First of all, they have their coupons big and bold, and front and center. Everyone loves Michael’s coupons, and the great savings that come along with them. Additionally, the value of inspiration goes a long way. This site showcases many different arenas of creativity, and there is definitely something for everyone. People love the feeling of giving a gift that has been crafted by them, and embodies the messages “I Love You.” I also think the “Principle of Expectation” is also shared within this site. People expect to save money, to get a great bargain, and to be inspired while doing it. I think more times than none, these expectations are achieved.

Overall, I think they have a very nice website. The principles that have been employed help the visitor navigate through a very colorful and active site. It has a nice flow and vibe, maybe just a little bit cramped of product. I found the site to be very user friendly, to be very informative, and to be very enlightening.

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